Learn XState from real examples accompanied by interactive demos.

Each machine has a handcrafted demo proving the benefit of using XState. XState by Example uses the most up-to-date tools developed by Stately, including XState 5 and Stately Inspect.

import { setup } from 'xstate';
const searchAsYouTypeMachine = setup({
/** ... */
id: "Search as you type",
initial: "Inactive",
states: {
Inactive: { /** ... */ },
Active: {
entry: "Reset active item index into context",
initial: "Checking if initial fetching is required",
states: {
"Checking if initial fetching is required": {
/** ... */
Idle: {},
Debouncing: { /** ... */ },
Fetching: { /** ... */ },
on: { /** ... */ },

Search as you type


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